Wednesday 15 May 2024

Decided to revive the blog

Ok, this hasn't been touched in YEARS and lots has happened since then... 

Last time I posted, I was living in Kuala Lumpur just about to get married, well... 11 years on and I have moved to Singapore, had 2 kids, moved to California, then moved back to Singapore...

Lots of changes and lots of new experiences!

Friday 12 April 2013

Been here a week now...

And I've already come across some odd things that you wouldn't find in the uk, simple everyday things that people take for granted... Like this image of the inside of my elevator.. Notice anything odd?

Also, I've found that when going to restaurants (or what they call here 'restoran') they never seem to bring the food out at the same time for everyone, so 3 people could have their meals in front of them but the 4th person may be want around 10 mins for theirs! Quite annoying....

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Alternative wedding shoes...

Here is a short list of shoes that are more affordable that I scoured the web for... I looked on a few discount sites, so stocks are limited and they may not be available anymore.... I know at least one isn't as I bought the last pair... Wait til the wedding pictures to find out which ones!

The first two are from site which is great for discounted Kurt Geiger, Nine West and other high street branded shoes.

This one is from 

This is a crazy one I thought would be fun and different... From 

Finally a few from regular high street stores... This one from Reiss 

This last one from Ted Baker 

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Wedding shoes....

I was in a bit of a quandary before leaving London for Kuala Lumpur... I wasn't sure of what their wedding shops would be like and whether I would find anything I liked. Seeing as my dress is going to be made for me by my cousin and I have an idea of what I would like in my head; trying on dresses was always going to be a bit of fun for me.

I did go to the national wedding fair in February with my future mother and sister-in-law, which was very interesting, there were all kinds of vendors there, ranging from singing waiters to dresses worth thousands of pounds. Definitely a one stop shop for all things bridal. However, when it comes to weddings, a lot of costs seem to spiral because everyone touts it as being the 'best day of your life' and no expenses should be spared but that shouldn't be the case. You shouldn't have to spend crazy amounts of money for one day...

My perfect wedding shoes would have been these beautiful £550 Jimmy Choos....

Saturday 6 April 2013

Big big changes....

So, since I last posted, there have been some big changes in my life.... My boyfriend moved to Kuala Lumpur, He proposed to me (on the day the world was supposed to end last year) on the 21st December in Langkawi... The image below is the next day when the rain stopped! I posted it on Facebook to keep everyone guessing!

After a lot of thought, we decided that I would move to Kuala Lumpur to be with him. So, I quit my job, waited out my notice and here I am now, blogging from the 28th floor of our flat that has views of the tallest twin towers in the world...
Image taken on New Years 2013...fireworks lighting up the sky...

As I'm here on a tourist visa until I marry my fiancé, I'll be focussing all my attention on my upcoming wedding... Which will be this year, so watch this space for wedding blurb....

Saturday 21 April 2012

Pinning time


I've now discovered the amazing world of pinterest and already avidly pinning images both that I've taken and some around the web that inspire me. 

Take a look!!! 

Sunday 15 April 2012

Spring has sprung

With all the moving in, sourcing furniture and bits and bobs for the flat, the blog has seriously been neglected. I'm glad to say that we finally have a dining table and a bench and some outside seating...

Still awaiting on a few keys bits, so no photos of the inside just yet, so I'm just going to leave you with this lovely image of what I can see from my balcony... and some pictures of blooming spring blossoms

google search

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